Google Stadia Achievements Now Live on Chrome Browser and Chromecast

In its latest Stadia Community round-up, Google has announced that an achievement system has finally made its way to the cloud gaming service. According to the community round-up, the achievements are live on the Chrome browser and Chromecast. However, those using the mobile app will not have achievements until 2020.

Our achievement system is here and now you will get notifications while playing on desktop, laptop and TV. From the time you start playing Stadia, you can see your complete achievement list on the web.

As Google previously reported, players are being given their achievements attractively. It basically means that you have to grapple with the challenges that you have already completed, only to achieve. Stadia is tracking your in-game progress, and you will receive your achievements accordingly.

Players can open their profile on the Chrome browser and Chromecast to check the last three achievements earned for the final game. Clicking on one of these opens a detailed achievements page. Selecting the game on the Chrome browser also opens a page that details all achievements for the game, the status and progress of each achievement, depending on whether the game supports these things.