It has been a year for Priyanka Chopra, now a well-known international figure, to tie the knot with her American singer boyfriend Nick Jonas. Priyanka and Jonas made their first public appearance together for the Met Gala in May 2017. Soon, they went on to appear in several shows together. The two dated for over a year, after which they got married vows and started their married life.
In an interview, Priyanka revealed that it was her "ambition and drive" that made Nick fall for her. She explains that their careers are very dear to them, as they both come from "non-entitled" backgrounds and they worked hard to ensure where they are.
On December 1, 2018, the desi girl brought in a student Jiju and was supposed to celebrate the entire wedding. Priyanka and Nick married in both Hindu and Christian traditions and both shows were absolutely beautiful.
Now that the couple has completed one year of marriage, let's take a look at some of their photos that define what the couple's goals are.
Happy Anniversary Priyanka Chopra, Nick Jonas: 5 Times They Were Insta Perfect Couple |
In an interview, Priyanka revealed that it was her "ambition and drive" that made Nick fall for her. She explains that their careers are very dear to them, as they both come from "non-entitled" backgrounds and they worked hard to ensure where they are.
On December 1, 2018, the desi girl brought in a student Jiju and was supposed to celebrate the entire wedding. Priyanka and Nick married in both Hindu and Christian traditions and both shows were absolutely beautiful.
Now that the couple has completed one year of marriage, let's take a look at some of their photos that define what the couple's goals are.
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