Battlegrounds Mobile India (BGMI) developer Crafton has announced that he has permanently blocked more than 40,000 accounts per week from April 11 to April 17. A South Korean engineer has a habit of releasing weekly updates related to penalties against fraudsters. It imposes permanent penalties every week on players who use illegal programs to get the wrong limit within the game. The developer has just released a new clip for the battle royale game, which aims to fix many of the issues that affect the mood of many players.
In accordance with Crafton's shared post on BGMI's official website, the developer permanently blocked 41,898 accounts for fraud between April 11 and April 17. You can view the profile names of the restricted accounts here. Earlier, the developer announced a ban on blocking 49,327 BGMI accounts per week from April 4 to April 10.
In addition, Crafton has released a new BGMI update that has fixed many bugs and errors in the game. According to patch notes released by the engineer, a glitch that allowed players to increase their speed on Nimbus Island was fixed. It also solved a problem that prevented players from using codes that were sensitive to other players. The sensor code includes custom camera sensitivity settings, target down sight (ADS), and a gyroscope that can be easily shared with other players. Players using Merry Tidings - UZI Weapon Skin will no longer be able to deal with a problem that prevents them from seeing the range of the weapon in the game.
In addition, upgrades to the Lamborghini Crate include Lamborghini Aventador SVJ Verde Alsoo and Lamborghini Aventador SVJ Verde. Engineers have limited the speed of these large vehicles to match the speed of all Lamborghini skins in the game.
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