Google Play Pass was launched in the US in the month of September. During its launch, Play Pass offered over 350 apps and games, including Monument Valley, Mini Metro, Stardew Valley, Star Wars: KOTOR, Facetune, and others. All of these are available with an app and game subscriptions, priced at $ 4.99 each month. Now, just before the holiday season, Google has announced 37 new titles for Play Pass.

Google Play

New games added to Play Pass include

  1. Sites II
  2. Sally's law
  3. Traffix
  4. Mani Khan 2
  5. Hex
  6. Pics 2 words
  7. Tempest: Pirate Battle
  8. My Very Hungry Caterpillar
  9. Pinball Flipper Classic 11in1
  10. Number Mazes: Rikudo Puzzles
  11. Cut the rope
  12. Cut the rope 2
  13. Cut the Rope: Time Travel
  14. infinite loop
  15. Small panda fireman
  16. Brain it on! - Physics Puzzles
  17. Power Girls Super City - Superhero Salon & Pets
  18. Little Panda's Jewel Adventure
  19. Breakthrough: The Brain Game
  20. What is inside the box?
  21. StoryToys Rapunzel
  22. Kids animal jigsaw puzzles
  23. Jigsaw puzzles
  24. Ways to die dumb 2
  25. Jurassic World - Dinosaurs
  26. Animal Puzzles for Kids
  27. King of the Dragon Pass: Text Adventure RPG
  28. Drive simulator

Play Pass has also added new apps like Weather Kitty, Podcast Republic, Word Search, Artflow: Paint Draw Sketchbook, Money Manager Expense, and Budget, Quotes Creator, and more.

Unfortunately, Google has not provided any details about the launch of Play Pass in India.