Activision Announces Upcoming Events in Call of Duty: Mobile

The new Call of Duty: Mobile Community update provides details about upcoming events in the game. As the game won Google Play's best game of the year, players will be rewarded with the DL-Q33 Deep Shark sniper rifle. Players can collect the prize by 31 December.

Upcoming and ongoing events in the game include:

12/6 to 12/15 - New Operator Skills - Gravity Spikes
12/9 to 12/19 - Add friends and get some loot!
12/9 to 12/19 - Team Up Event. Play with friends in any mode and earn points to unlock the M21 EBR - Jackfrost.
12/13 to 12/19 - One Shot One Kill - Mode and Challenge
12/14 to 12 / ?? - Parade continues at Battle Royal

Several events have been ongoing since last week, with players being offered extra time to complete them and earn rewards. The holiday-themed event for Battle Royale Mode will feature a parade towards the circus, which will be crowded with Murray. Although most details about the holiday incident have not yet been revealed, the community says the incident will develop throughout the month.