Star Wars: J.J. Abrams Wants the Theatrical Cuts of the Original Trilogy Released |
The final official piece of physical media that included theatrical cuts from Episodes IV-VI was the 1995 THX VHS box-set. Since then, fans have been trying to see the loss and trying the original cuts to see and/or show people who have never seen them before.
While speaking with NowThis, Abrams reported that he asked Lucasfilm about the possibility of releasing an original cut, but bumped into the brick wall a bit. He said, "I have been told that the reasons for which I have not been able to understand to a great extent are not necessarily true."
"I think George wanted Lucas," Abram said, "and that's what he did, and that's why I respect him, though I also think there's something about the original theatrical version that you knew, For so many people, something they loved. And so, you know, it would be great to be available to a mainstream audience. "
The most recent change to George Lucas's A New Hope took place seven years before Disney acquired Lucasfilm when it once again changed the scene between Han Solo and Greed in the Mos Isle cantina. Fans got their first look in November when that version of Episode IV was streamed on Disney +.
For more information about Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Ewan McGregor believes that the duel The Fates of the Dates is the best Star Wars lightsaber fight, and why the sequel trilogy does not have Midichlorians.
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker hit theaters on December 20, 2019.
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